Bubbletea stores near Ewha

You can easily see EWHA students carrying cups of Bubble tea around. Bubble tea is a beverage that contains milk tea and tapioca balls and the drink is emerging as a dark horse in the beverage market. The Chewy texture of the tapioca balls captures everybody’s taste regardless of gender and age and especially captures the student’s taste. Because of that, there are many bubble tea stores near EWHA University like Gong Cha, Amasvin and so on. However, many students are not discerning when choosing where to go for bubble tea and this is unfortunate because there are various levels of quality and price. Here, we provide some information about basic bubble tea stores for EWHA , so you can choose your favorite store.

From the left Bubble Tree, Bubble T King, Amasvin

Gong Cha


The average prices of bubble teas are 3500won to 4500won. They are not inexpensive. However, prices of the stores near Ewha are cheaper than other usual franchise stores except Gongcha. The cheapest bubble tea sotores are Bubble T King, and Bubble Tree. Their prices for the bubble black milk tea are both 2700won. The second cheapest store is Amasvin. The price of the bubble black milk tea is 2900won which is more than two hundred won more expensive than Bubble T King, and Bubble Tree. The bubble milk tea of Gongcha is 3800won, which is the most expensive drink among these.
At Bubble Tree, if you show your student ID card, you can get a one size upgrade of bubble tea. Oher stores don’t have any special deals for Ewha students. So, the products of Bubble Tree are the cheapest


The taste of the tapioca ball varies in different stores. Good tapioca has to have appropriate sugar content and chewiness.
If it is too sweet, then the balance between the tapioca and the base is upset and the bubble tea can be sugary. Therefore, the sugar content of the tapioca is crucial. In this regard, the best balance was found at Gong-Cha. On the other hand, the tea at Amasvin was too sugary and the tea at Bubble-Tree and Bubble-tea King were not sugary enough. The lack of sugar can make consumers feel that the tea is too weak!
The chewiness is also important. In this regard, Gong-cha is also the best. On the contrary, Bubble-tea King’s tapioca is so slippery that gives us an unpleasant feeling. Therefore, when it comes to tapioca balls, Gong-cha is the best one.


The Gong Cha drinks are the sweetest, followed by that of Amasvin, Bubble tea King, and Bubble tree. The drink in Gong cha has some milk taste. We like the bubble tea there because the smell of the drink is not strong and the taste is natural and harmonious.
In contrast, if you drink some bubble tea in Amasvin, you feel a strong scent with a little soap scent. So this may or may not appeal to you.
The Bubble tea from Bubble tea King was made of brewed tea so the flavor of this bubble tea is the strongest compared to other bubble teas.
Drink in Amasvin also has a strong scent of tea and the flavor of the other two kinds of bubble tea are relatively weak.
To sum up, the smell and flavor influence choice of bubble teas. A strong scent may concern people who have never had bubble tea. So the bubble tea in Gong Cha tastes good for first bubble taster. And the Gong Cha is best bubble tea store in terms of taste, smell, and flavor.
            Bubble Tea has been loved by many Ewha students. There are lots of its stores, though. We investigated the basic product sold in the four stores. In the end, Gong-cha is the best store regarding texture, taste, and aroma. Although its price is the highest between the four stores, sometimes, when you want to eat delicious bubble tea, we recommend that you go to Gong-Cha!